How Rainbow colors affect the human mind? The Rainbow moods

How Rainbow colours affect the human mind?

The Rainbow moods

By Dev Sahu & Aryan Deo, Aarpee Décor

Colours are an integral part of life. A single piece of paper or a tshirt or a gaming laptop, literally anything means nothing without colours. What we see and perceive is because of the colourful world we are seeing around us. What if our eyes would be seeing this colourful world in black and white, we surely wouldn’t be able to understand this world, its meaning or mood. The colourful inks that are being printed on every other product that we are seeing is giving meaning to us and our lives.

Imagine if everything in life was always perfect, with no worries or obstacles, and everything went smoothly and peacefully. It may seem appealing at first, but in reality, it would become quite boring, wouldn’t it? Life is a journey of growth, learning, and overcoming challenges. It is about embracing the ups and downs, training ourselves to adapt, and healing from setbacks. In our own lives, we can be like a rainbow—a perfect example of how life should be lived.

Without obstacles, we cannot truly learn and grow. Similarly, just as we cannot have a rainbow without a little rain, we need the contrast of experiences and emotions to appreciate the full spectrum of life. The seven colors of the rainbow symbolize a range of emotions and experiences, including joy, anger, sorrow, love, danger, hate, and countless others. It is through embracing these colors, both light and dark, that we truly learn, understand, and appreciate the richness of life.

Like they say:

Be passionate like colour red, creative like colour orange, positive like colour yellow, generous like colour green, trustworthy like colour blue, sincere like colour indigo and calm like colour violet and you’ll see easily you will face all the obstacles and have a happy life with a lot of knowledge and appreciation.


Colours can be a means of expression but it all started with a factor of survival. Flowers use colours that humans can’t perceive to attract certain insects for pollination and some insects even use colours to warn a potential predator of defensive toxins. So if colours can play such an important role in the life of such small organisms, imagine how it affects us humans.

There are seven colours in the rainbow:

red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

The abbreviation “VIBGYOR” is a handy reminder for the colour sequence that makes up the rainbow.

The effects of the colours on human mind is as follows:


In the end, we don’t actually see colors with our eyes. We see colors with our brains. Our eyes are important for detecting and responding to light, but it is the brain’s visual center in the occipital lobes that processes visual information and assigns meaning to the color.

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